I Make Apps and Do IT Stuff


Find and search ZIP Codes of the Philippines Built with UWP and C# (Windows) Built with Flutter (Android & iOS)

RF Tools

A Windows app with Calculators and Converters for RF (Radio Frequency) Systems Built with UWP and C#

Your Phone Tray

Put a shortcut of Your Phone (Phone Link) app in Windows system tray Built with WinForms, UWP, and C#

RPN News & Radio

Unofficial Windows app for tuning in for news and live radio Built with UWP and C#

RPN Radio

Tune in live to RPN stations for Android and iOS devices Built with Flutter

RPN News

Read latest News from RPN regional stations (Under re-work) Built with Flutter

Personal and Work-automation Apps

  • RPN ID Maker
  • RPN Digital Manager (Web scraper, server and audio monitoring, etc.)
  • RPN Traffic Control
  • Misc personal projects


  • Figma / Adobe Illustrator
  • Notion
  • Visual Studio
  • VS Code
  • Android Studio
  • Xcode
  • Adobe Photoshop / Photopea
  • Others
    • DaVinci Resolve
    • OBS
    • Canva

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