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ZIP Code PH Gets Refreshed UI

Adding Fluent design to my Windows 10 app

# Foreword and Inspiration

Over these past few months, I have been checking on some fluent design concepts and app updates over Twitter and other design sites like, Dribbble, Behance, and even Medium. Also, I have been busy gaming and doing some reading on my spare time that I missed coding and updating some of my apps.

Then one time, I just found the urge to update it after seeing Michael West’s concept layouts over Dribbble. He created a UI concept for Windows 10’s App settings panel as seen here on his Dribbble post.

I started coding at once, cleaning up some codes on the app starting with the UI. And came up with the final layout.

# Screenshots

Here are some screenshots of the updated app version 4.

Fluent Design UI

Dark mode

Search Page in Light mode

# Download

You can check the free app here in the Microsoft Store.

English badge

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