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A Story of Self-taught Coding

Short introduction on why I get into coding

Started coding using VB.Net and Forms for our final year thesis (which programming was NOT a major). Then while gearing up for board exams, learnt to code and design for Windows Phone 7.5/7.8/8 using XAML, C# & Silverlight.

Then came Windows 8.1 and WP8.1 on the Univeral App Shared codes, but didn’t dive that deep because of some weird Windows 8.1 windowing and such.

Finally W10 and UWP, still slowly learning and managed to improve my coding skills.

Most of my WP7/8 apps were unpublished due to failure to update them, but right now a set of Windows 10 Apps is available for download. I have yet to get my own domain though.

And since, Windows (dev) has no feature to share a publisher link, I’d share my Facebook page: https://facebook.com/reddavidapps

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Last updated on Feb 23, 2020 00:22